The Government had a moral, if not a legal duty to pay compensation. 政府即使没有法律责任,在道义上也有责任来赔偿。
Suddenly under intense scrutiny and in the crosshairs of lawsuits, the directors may remember they have a legal duty to represent the interests of all shareholders. 在接到突如其来的调查和纷繁复杂的诉讼之后,董事会成员可能会想起代表全体股东的利益才是他们的法律义务。
Doctors, when taking the Hippocratic oath, swear to preserve life at all costs, and it is their ethical and legal duty to follow both the spirit and the letter of this oath. 医生在宣读希波克拉底誓言的时候已宣誓不惜一切代价保护生命,他们在道德和法律上都有义务遵守这个誓言的字面意思和精神实质。
The care that a reasonable man would exercise under the circumstances; the standard for determining legal duty. 通情达理的人在一定境况下所作的看护工作;判定法定职责的标准。
I find one member plagiarized my private profile. I declare this profile is my Intellectual Asset and Patent, All Right Reserved Can Not Be Copied by Anyone or Bear Legal Duty. 我发现有个会员剽窃并抄袭了我的私人网页,我在此郑重声明我的个人网页属于私有的知识产权,不得翻录,否则追究法律责任。
Even if one puts aside the profound moral obligation to the citizens of the formerly British territory, the Joint Declaration imposes a legal duty on the British government. 即便撇开对这个前英国属地民众的深远道义责任,《中英联合声明》也让英国政府负有法律上的义务。
Failing to perform his legal duty, Xiao committed a negative crime. 肖志军因具有法定的救助义务而成立不作为;
We should speed up related legislation, determine its nature and status, function and extent of power, source of funds and legal duty etc. 要加快相关的立法,明确其性质和地位、能和权限、费来源及法律责任等。
The invalidity, cancellation and correction of an administrative behavior is an action taken against an illegal administrative behavior and an remedy of legal duty. 行政行为的无效、撤销和补正是追究违法行政行为补救性法律责任的三种方式。
Transboundary pollution may do serious harm to surrounding nations and regions, and even to the environment of the world, which will correspondingly give rise to international legal duty. 跨界污染对周边国家和地区,甚至对全球环境可能造成严重危害,而相应地会产生国际法律责任。
The defendant defaulted in performing its legal duty, but it has become practically insignificant to rule for specific performance of its legal duty; 被告不履行法定职责,但判决责令其履行法定职责已无实际意义的;
The stage is more beholding to love, than the life of man. the legal duty of a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary. 舞台较人生受惠于恋爱者为多。体现受惠者最高利益的受托人的法律职责。
The legitimate reason of police gun using in criminal law is legal duty action. 警察使用枪支在刑法上的正当化事由应定位于法令的职务行为。
Legal duty of macro-control action belongs to the duty of finanlial law, its duty principle consists of major illegal duty principles and minor fault duty principle. 宏观调控行为的法律责任归属于经济法责任,其归责原则应以违法归责原则为主,过错责任原则为辅。
An individual has a legal duty not to withhold material evidence from a grand jury. 每个公民都有法律义务向大陪审团提供实质性的证据。
A failure to act when under an obligation to do so; a refusal ( without sufficient excuse) to do that which it is your legal duty to do. 在应做的义务下不能执行的失败;做事的一种拒绝(没有足够的理由)。
If the authority is to discharge its legal duty to house the homeless, it needs government support. 权力机构若要执行它为无家可归者提供住所的法定义务,就需要政府支持。
Higher school's duty of care in students'injury accident can be made a concrete examination from two aspects: legal duty and discretionary duty. 学生伤害事故中校方的注意义务可以从法定义务和酌定义务两个层面进行具体考察。
A definition in which the term is used by embedding it in a larger expression containing its explanation; for example, "legal duty" might be defined contextually. 把一个词放在包含这个词的较大的表达中的意义;例如:法律职责可以根据上下文来解释。
The legal duty of a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary. 体现受惠者最高利益的受托人的法律职责。
Negligence as a tort is the breach of a legal duty to take care which results in damage. 作为侵权行为的过失是对注意这一法定义务的违反,从而使原告遭受损失。
The article discusses the nature of legal duty of macro-control action, duty prinliple, components duty form and the reality. 探讨了宏观调控行为法律责任的性质,归责原则及构成要件,责任形态和现实。
Character of compensation of administrative license is a legal duty of administrative subject. 行政补偿的性质是行政主体的法定义务。
Legal duty and legal liability are basic categories in jurisprudence. 法律义务与法律责任作为法学上的基本范畴,有着密切的联系和严格的区别,应用到民事领域便产生了债务与责任的区分。
Correspondingly, identity can provide some information for the settling of legal duty conflicts. 那么身分就可以为法律义务冲突的解决提供一定的信息。
On the second condition it mainly establishes necessary legal duty and responsibility for the expert witness in judicial practice. 关于第二个条件主要是针对司法实践中专家证人的投机设定了必要的法律义务和责任。
Moral duty and legal duty have long been the core concepts of ethics and law. 道德义务与法律义务长期以来一直是伦理学和法学的核心概念。
So, it is necessary to study legal duty widely and deeply. 因此,对法律义务进行广泛而有深度的研究就极为必要。
In a word, people performing legal duty is for carrying out their rights. 一言以蔽之,那就是:人们之所以履行法律义务,归根结底是为了自我权利的实现。
Secondly, analyze the nature of the legal duty of withholding agent in the use of Own Responsibility and Responsibility of Others on Civil Law and define it as Responsibility of Others on Tax Law. Analyze the types of liabilities in combination of Administrative Law and Criminal Law. 其次,运用民法上自己责任和他人责任的概念分析扣缴义务人的法律责任性质,将其界定为税法上的他人责任;结合行政法、刑法分析了扣缴义务人法律责任的类型。